2015. január 31., szombat

Szabó Lőrinc: Felejteni

Idegeidben azt a lobbanást,
tudod, melyiket, a villámcsapást,
amely megolvasztott, megvakitott,
s egy percre csillagokig tágitott,
s az utat közben, mely lángként sodort,
és mind a jót, ami előtte volt,
s az utózengést, mely oly lankatag
zsongatta még ájult tagjaidat,
mondd, a zuhogó, görcsoldó varázst,

testedben azt az édes robbanást,
azt a legfőbb, közös pillanatot,
melynek nevet még semmi sem adott,
hacsaknem vallás, s amelyben velem
együtt haltál-születtél, gyermekem,
mondd, de csak úgy mondd, hogy ne mondd ki, mit,
mondd, édes, azt a percet, s társait
(ne is szólj, elég ajkad mosolya) –
el tudnád felejteni valaha?

2015. január 30., péntek

Caroline Elizabeth Sarah Norton: We Have Been Friends Together

We have been friends together,
In sunshine and in shade;
Since first beneath the chestnut-trees
In infancy we played.
But coldness dwells within thy heart,
A cloud is on thy brow;
We have been friends together—
Shall a light word part us now?

We have been gay together;
We have laugh'd at little jests;
For the fount of hope was gushing
Warm and joyous in our breasts.
But laughter now hath fled thy lip,
And sullen glooms thy brow;
We have been gay together—
Shall a light word part us now?

We have been sad together,
We have wept, with bitter tears,
O'er the grass-grown graves, where slumber'd
The hopes of early years.
The voices which are silent there
Would bid thee clear thy brow;
We have been sad together—
Oh! what shall part us now?

2015. január 29., csütörtök

2015. január 28., szerda

Sárhelyi Erika: A szerelem grammatikája

Kielemezlek, mint a mondatot,
hiszen alanyi jogom, hogy így tegyek.
Nézem, hogy járják táncukat konok-
szép homlokodon a gondolatjelek.

Akár az állítmány, ha kimarad,
vagy egy csonka, torz birtokos szerkezet,
az lennék nélküled - vagy mint szavak,
ha rájuk hullnak zárójel-ketrecek.

S te sem lehetsz, csak hiányos, árva,
esetlen félmondat, hogyha nem vagyok.
Ez a szerelem grammatikája -
magában a legszebb szó is csak dadog.

2015. január 27., kedd

Yehuda Amichai: Pity, We Were Such A Good Invention

They amputated
Your thighs off my hips.
As far as I'm concerned
They are all surgeons. All of them.

They dismantled us
Each from the other.
As far as I'm concerned
They are all engineers. All of them.

A pity. We were such a good
And loving invention.
An aeroplane made from a man and wife.
Wings and everything.
We hovered a little above the earth.

We even flew a little.

2015. január 26., hétfő

Louis Jenkins: The State of the Economy

There might be some change on top of the dresser at the
back, and we should check the washer and the dryer. Check
under the floor mats of the car. The couch cushions. I have
some books and CDs I could sell, and there are a couple big
bags of aluminum cans in the basement, only trouble is that
there isn't enough gas in the car to get around the block. I'm
expecting a check sometime next week, which, if we are careful,
will get us through to payday. In the meantime with your one—
dollar rebate check and a few coins we have enough to walk to
the store and buy a quart of milk and a newspaper. On second
thought, forget the newspaper.

2015. január 24., szombat

Reményik Sándor: Művészet

Ütött az élet? durva, póri hadnak
Tűrted orcátlan, győztes röhejét?
Én rád hajlok és megsimogatlak.

Az országúton rádfröccsent a sár?
Le rólad égi lánggal égetem,
Az én oltárom megtisztulva vár.

Emésztő láz kavarja, gyötri véred?
Én minden vágyad dalba szűröm át
És bizony mondom: megnyugtatlak téged.

A lehetetlent űzöd sebborítva?
Jer, hadd a hajszát, süllyedj el belém,
Itt minden üdvösséged meg van írva!

Akit legjobban szeretsz, elhagyott?
Kifosztott, ájulásig gyönge vagy?
Jer, támaszkodj rám, én erős vagyok!

Nevetsz, ha buborék vagyok csak, álom?
Kövess és lássa bámuló szemed,
Hogy úr vagyok én millió halálon!

Én megérintem hűvös szürkeséged,
Én új Midás s e bűvös kéz alatt
Izzó arannyá lesz, amihez érek.

Ha van halott virágod, add ide,
Mártsd medencémbe száraz szirmait
S im, mindnek üde, bársonyos színe!

Ha gondod van még, szegény, beteg árva:
A léghajómból rendre kihajítjuk,
Úgy lebegsz majd az őrült magasságba.

Tudom, követ a köznap: porkolábod –
De én ragadlak ünnepi tetőkre
És fenn – egy percre – eloldom a láncod.

2015. január 23., péntek

Alice Walker: How Poems are Made/A Discredited View

Letting go
In order to hold one
I gradually understand
How poems are made.

There is a place the fear must go.
There is a place the choice must go.
There is a place the loss must go.
The leftover love.
The love that spills out
Of the too full cup
And runs and hides
Its too full self
In shame.

I gradually comprehend
How poems are made.
To the upbeat flight of memories.
The flagged beats of the running

I understand how poems are made.
They are the tears
That season the smile.
The stiff-neck laughter
That crowds the throat.
The leftover love.
I know how poems are made.

There is a place the loss must go.
There is a place the gain must go.
The leftover love.

2015. január 22., csütörtök

Donald Justice: Poem to be read at 3 a.m.

Excepting the diner
On the outskirts.
The town of Ladora
At 3 a.m.
Was dark but
For my headlights
And up in
One second-story room
A single light
Where someone
Was sick or
Perhaps reading
As I drove past
At seventy
Not thinking.
This poem
Is for whoever
Had the light on

2015. január 20., kedd

Walt Whitman: This is what you should do

This is what you should do:
Love the earth and sun and animals,
despise riches, give alms to everyone that asks,
stand up for the stupid and crazy,
devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants,
argue not concerning God,
have patience and indulgence toward the people...
reexamine all you have been told in school or church or in any book,
dismiss what insults your very soul,
and your flesh shall become a great poem.

2015. január 19., hétfő

Hafiz: If It Is Not Too Dark

Go for a walk, if it is not too dark.
Get some fresh air, try to smile.
Say something kind
To a safe-looking stranger, if one happens by.

Always exercise your heart's knowing.

You might as well attempt something real
Along this path:

Take your spouse or lover into your arms
The way you did when you first met.
Let tenderness pour from your eyes
The way the Sun gazes warmly on the earth.

Play a game with some children.
Extend yourself to a friend.
Sing a few ribald songs to your pets and plants -
Why not let them get drunk and wild!

Let's toast
Every rung we've climbed on Evolution's ladder.
Whisper, "I love you! I love you!"
To the whole mad world.

Let's stop reading about God -
We will never understand Him.

Jump to your feet, wave your fists,
Threaten and warn the whole Universe

That your heart can no longer live
Without real love!

Vera Pavlova:14

No love? Let us make it!
Done. Next? Let us make
care, tenderness, courage,
jealousy, glut, lies.

2015. január 17., szombat

Simon Márton: Véletlenül jó

A játék lényege egyszerű, be vagy zárva. Csak át kell
kutatnod a helyet, ahová. Amit találsz, annak
segítségével jutsz ki. Keress mindenhol,
jegyezz meg mindent. Például ha a földön talált hajtűt
bedugod a konnektorba, és ettől zárlatos lesz,
vörösen kigyullad egy pótlámpa, és ebben a fényben
megjelenik a falon egy szó, amit ha beírsz
az asztalon várakozó laptopba, kapsz egy számsort
válaszképp. Egy dátumot, amivel kinyílik
egy ajtó számzára. És már kint is vagy. Ilyet játszunk,
a gép előtt fekve, kijutóst, egyiket a másik után,
egész éjszaka, a neten, mindjárt fél öt.
Ma békén hagyjuk a sötét, zárlatos szobákat
egymásban, ma véletlenül boldogok vagyunk.
Ha elég lenne a plafonra felnézni, mert már
ott a dátum, ma eloltanám a lámpát,
még ne lássam. Most olyan, mintha ezek
nem is mi lennénk. Mit mondasz majd erről.
Mit mondhatnék. Megjegyeztem mindent,
bár a valóságban úgyse jó semmire.
Reggel lesz mindjárt, hét múlt, csak tél van,
ez még a miénk, látod, kereshetsz bárhol,
a sötétség voltam, most múlok el.

2015. január 16., péntek

A. R. Ammons: Correction

The burdens of the world
on my back
lighten the world
not a whit while
removing them greatly
decreases my specific

2015. január 15., csütörtök

Wislawa Szymborska: Parable

Some fishermen pulled a bottle from the deep. It held a piece of paper,
with these words: "Somebody save me! I'm here. The ocean cast me on this desert island.
I am standing on the shore waiting for help. Hurry! I'm here!"

"There's no date. I bet it's already too late anyway.
It could have been floating for years," the first fisherman said.

"And he doesn't say where. It's not even clear which ocean," the second fisherman said.

"It's not too late, or too far. The island Here is everywhere," the third fisherman said.

They all felt awkward. No one spoke. That's how it goes with universal truths.

2015. január 14., szerda

Kemény Lili: Kavicsok

És csak ülnek.
Ezekkel nincs mit kezdeni.

Ülnek, mint vitorlások a tavon,
lepkék a lószaron,
kidobott hűtő a nádasban,
Ülnek, mint sírkövek a dombtetőn,
autók egy szakadék szélén,
mint a nyomott hangulat egy bulin,
mint zsoltároskönyvek egy üres templomban,
Ülnek, mint drágakövek fogszabályzón,
strasszok egy ruhán, ami nem áll jól senkinek,
Ülnek, mint a kövér, gazdag nők a képeken,
Ülnek, mint rossz döntés egy egész életen,
mint megszeghetetlen szabályok,
arcra száradt szépség,
kavicsok emléktáblák alatt,
Ülnek, mint lufik a plafonon-
felhőkön fönnakadt imák,
Ülnek, mint elkésettek a dugóban,
patakcsörgedezés az ablaktáblák között,
mint zsíros halak az iszapban,
Ülnek, mint a novemberi hószag,

és csak ülnek.
Ezekkel nincs mit kezdeni.

2015. január 13., kedd

John O'Donohue: Fluent

I would love to live
Like a river flows,
Carried by the surprise
Of its own unfolding.

2015. január 12., hétfő

Vera Pavlova:12

Tenderly on a tender surface
the best of my lines are written:
with the tip of my tongue on your palate,
on your chest in tiny letters,
on your belly…
But, darling, I wrote them
May I erase with my lips
your exclamation mark?

(Translated from the Russian original by Steven Seymour)

2015. január 10., szombat

Kemény Lili: Alvó

Kilométereken át rugdostam egy kavicsot
magam előtt. Hazáig vittem, aztán kinnhagytam
a lábtörlőn, az összegömbölyödve alvó
szelíd szörny mellett, aki szintén hazáig követett.

Valami évszázadok óta rothad a szobámban.
Megnézném, mi az, de félek, hogy olyasmi,
amit már túlságosan megkedveltem.

Ez az egész olyan, mint egy játék,
amiben nem lehet veszteni.
Ezért nyerni sem lehet.

2015. január 9., péntek

Judith Viorst: Our wonderful annual full-fledged family vacation

It is August at the Cape,
And we're here once more
On our wonderful annual full-fledged family vacation,
Having taken (for a rent in the low five figures) a house large enough to accomodate
Our children, their spouses, the grandchildren, the two of us, my divorced sister-in-law,
And her overenthusiastic Golden Retriever,
Without whom, she made clear,
She'd rather not come.

No pets accompanied the families flown in by us
(For fares in the low five figures)
From Chicago, Jacksonville, and Austin.
And now we are here, together again for two weeks,
On our wonderful annual full-fledged family vacation.

Where I am trying, with moderate success, to overlook
The wet beach towels soaking into the living-room chairs,
The use of the kitchen table as the baby's changing table,
My sister-in-law's chartreuse thong bathing suit,
And where I am trying with moderate success, to make pleasing meals
For the one who won't eat anything that once had a face,
For the one who won't eat anything that is green or swims,
For the one who won't eat anything unorganically grown,
For the one who won't eat anything,
And where I am trying, with moderate success, to find happy ways to parcel out
The car, a quart of Cherry Garcia ice cream, and my complete attention
Among adult siblings whose rivalries always return,
Unresolved, unrepressed, and untarnished by the years,
On our wonderful annual full-fledged family vacation.

I am, presumably, having a wonderful time,
Even though the organic daugther-in-law and the monthly pedicure daughter-in-law are not invariably en rapport
Or on speaking terms,
And even though my husband and I cannot have sex for two weeks
Because nobody knocks at our bedroom door before entering,
And even though the grandchildren and the Golden Retriever
Have done many irreparable things to our rented house,
For which there are sure to be penalties
In the low five figures.

This morning I woke up early
And, amid the smell of sweaty sneakers and bluefish,
I found myself thinking that maybe just one week in August,
Or maybe, now that I'm thinking such thoughts, just one weekend,
Might make for an equally wonderful,
And perhaps an even more wonderful,
Wonderful annual full-fledged family vacation.

2015. január 8., csütörtök

Nikki Giovanni: For Teresa

and when i was all alone
facing my adolescence
looking forward
to cleaning house
and reading books
and maybe learning bridge
so that i could fit
into acceptable society
you came along
and loved me
for being black and bitchy
hateful and scared
and you came along
and cared that i got
all the things necessary
to adulthood
and even made sure
i wouldn't hate
my mother
or father
and you even understood
that i should love
but not too much
and give to gary
but not all of me
and keep on moving
'til i found me
and now you're sick
and have been hurt
for some time
and i've felt guilty
and impotent
for not being able
to give yourself
to you
as you gave
to me

2015. január 7., szerda

Baranyi Ferenc: Porvers

Akit egyszer porig aláztak:
porig kell azért lehajolni,
a méltósága-vesztett sorshoz
méltósága-vesztve igazodni.

Előtted ember ráng a porban?
Megértem, belerúgni könnyebb.
Még emberibb átlépni rajta
könnyed sikkjével a közönynek.

Mentséged is van, ha a lelked
bátortalan feddése rád vall?
másokért őrzött tisztaságod
nem szennyezheted más porával.

Ha lehajolsz, még orra bukhatsz,
és hát derekad roppanó is,
ápolt tüdődet is belepné
a talajmenti szilikózis,
hát nem hajolsz porig, ha porból
akármi hív: kincs, ócska holmi...

Pedig akit porig aláztak -
porig kell azért lehajolni.

2015. január 6., kedd

Vera Pavlova: 8

A beast in winter,
a plant in spring,
an insect in summer,
a bird in autumn.
The rest of the time I am a woman.

2015. január 5., hétfő

John O'Donohue: I arise today

Blessed by all things,
Wings of breath,
Delight of eyes,
Wonder of whisper,
Intimacy of touch,
Eternity of soul,
Urgency of thought,
Miracle of health,
Embrace of God.

May I live this day.

2015. január 3., szombat

Áprily Lajos: Védekezés

Próbálgatom, tanulgatom,
hogy ne szeresselek nagyon.

Félelmesek a viharok,
s én romló törzsü fa vagyok.

S minden nagy érzés új gyökér,
mely földbe köt, ha mélyet ér.

Magam hullásra készitem,
gyökereimet gyengitem:

Ha a viharban dőlni kell,
fogódzás nélkül dőljek el.

2015. január 2., péntek

Ernest Christopher Dowson: If We Must Part

If we must part,
Then let it be like this.
Not heart on heart,
Nor with the useless anguish of a kiss;
But touch mine hand and say:
"Until to-morrow or some other day,
If we must part".
Words are so weak
When love hath been so strong;
Let silence speak:
"Life is a little while, and love is long;
A time to sow and reap,
And after harvest a long time to sleep,
But words are weak."

2015. január 1., csütörtök

Nikki Giovanni: Duets

I don't do duets

Even as a kid I didn't like
I would just as soon
Let you have it
Than cut it in half

I sing solo
Because I'm not good
With harmony

I remember my sister
Wanting to borrow
Some thing
  a sweater
  skirt blouse
She could have it

My tennis shoes
Had holes in them
Kept together
By safety pins

I made it cool
To be poor

In another age
I would have been a vegan

I don't play doubles
In tennis
Don't bowl with a league

If I was a fat lady
I alone would sing
At the end

And listen
If you don't
Come home
I'll be

Nikki Giovanni: Give it a go?

I like to polish
Rub the paste in
Let it set
Then shine shine shine

Even as a little girl
I loved to wash
Grandmother's crystal
Watch the light bounce
Off the edges
Of the glasses

We were taught
Never to use clear
Fingernail polish
But to trim our nails
To a respectable length
And buff them
With lamb's wool

I wipe my bathroom
Mirror after each shower
And always shine my faucet
In order to properly care for things
They must be loved
And touched

Want to give it
A go?

Nikki Giovanni: A Poem Of Friendship

We are not lovers
because of the love
we make
but the love
we have
We are not friends
because of the laughs
we spend
but the tears
we save

I don't want to be near you
for the thoughts we share
but the words we never have
to speak
I will never miss you
because of what we do
but what we are

Pleasefindthis: The books never written

Dragons, angels, gnomes, creatures beneath the earth that make words with hammers, a shooting star that shoots back, rain falling from the ground to the sky, bars that refuse to serve dwarfs or wanderers, a fountain that makes you young (and lonely) while those around you grow old, saplings that know everything, a sea made of tears from every lover who never loved, a silver boat with a sail made of pages from all the books that were never written.
All my dreams are beatiful. But none as beautiful as you. You are the reason I return here each morning.

Pleasefindthis: The metronome tree

Forget about your lists and do what you can because that's all you can do. Phone up the people you miss and tell them you love them. Hug those close to you as hard as you can. Because you are always only a drunk driver's stupidity, a nervous shopkeeper's mistake, a doctor's best attempts and an old age away from forever.

Austin Dobson: On The Hurry Of This Time

With slower pen men used to write,
Of old, when "letters" were "polite";
In Anna's, or in George's days,
They could afford to turn a phrase,
Or trim a straggling theme aright.
They knew not steam; electric light
Not yet had dazed their calmer sight; --
They meted out both blame and praise
With slower pen.
Too swiftly now the hours take flight!
What's read at morn is dead at night;
Scant space have we for Art's delays,
Whose breathless thought so briefly stays,
We may not work -- ah! would we might! --
With slower pen.