a little more quietly than some of my others.
Thing is, it was a bit of heavy night
at the Great Orpington Poetry Festival,
and I think I may have heard one Pindaric ode too many -
sorry, please excuse me one moment
That's better. Where was I?
Ah yes, the Pindaric odes ... although, come to think of it,
I do remember one particular Petrarchan sonnet
sounding a little off, and it makes me wonder now
if it may have been spiked -
Look, you're reading this poem far too loudly
practically shouting it.
Right, let's try one more time. This morning,
I thought I'd try necking a quick villanelle,
hair of the dog and all that,
but I could only keep down a couple of lines or so -
No, you're doing it again ... this isn't going to work.
Either you need to stop reading, or I should stop writing.
Tell you what, how about I do the latter
and then let's see what happens.
But quickly - before we part - don't suppose
you've a couple of aspirins to hand, do you?