2012. november 2., péntek

Mairead Byrne: News Alert: Economy Now to Be Spelled Ec_n_my

Breaking News Alert
Friday, August 5, 2011 -- 8:37 AM EDT
U.S. Economy Now to Be Spelled Ec_n_my.
Following on provisions made in the historic Debt Ceiling agreement, the U.S. economy will now be referred to as the U.S. ec_n_my.
The cuts have been made largely because they are possible. "While these cuts are painful," said a spokesperson, "the economy can actually function without the lette
r 'o', especially in speech."
Print publications and media have been granted a one-day moratorium on the cuts, which become mandatory at midnight August 5th.
The cuts are believed to be permanent though, in the introductory phase, spaces will be preserved as a bridge to facilitate the transition. By December 31, 2011, the economy will be the "ecnmy."
And in time, further cuts may be necessary, the spokesperson added,"though probably not the letter 'e.'"

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