2021. február 23., kedd

Billy Collins: Down on the Farm

Whenever the conversation turns to the subject
of Tennessee Fainting goats,
the question that always comes up is why.
Are they so squeamish that they faint
like Victorian ladies whenever the farmer
uses language unbecoming a gentleman?

Or is it catching, one goat fainting
because he sees another one fainting,
but that still leaves open the question
of what makes the first goat faint.
Does the memory of having keeled
over one morning make one keel over again?

Are they in love? Or is it all just too much?
No one seems to know for sure
but it's something to think about
when I'm trying to get to sleep at night
or when I'm looking out a window
at the barn and the fenced-in pastures beyond.

To see a goat stiffen before pitching over on its side
with a thump is truly unnerving,
but when he rises in a minute or two, as if from the dead,
and goes back to munching with his head down
in the sweet grass on these hillsides,
then everything seems okay again, just like before.

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