2021. március 2., kedd

Judith Viorst: Postmortems

On the way home with my husband from the dinner party,
I thought I'd very tactfully point out
That he shouldn't interrupt, and that
He shouldn't talk with his hands, and that
He shouldn't, when discussing politics, shout.
And that he shouldn't tell that story while people are eating, and that
He shouldn't tell that joke for the rest of his life, and that
He shouldn't have said what he said about that terrible lady in red because
She happens to be the-person-he-said-it-to's wife.
And that he didn't need that second helping of mousse cake, and that
He didn't need to finish the Chardonnay.
But after thirty years of marriage
I finally understand what not to say
On the way home with my husband from a dinner party.

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