2023. január 20., péntek

Judith Viorst: About His Retirement

He's pointing out where I left some dust on the baseboards.

He's watching out for which foods I am letting go bad.

He's giving me guidance on how to water the houseplants.

He says that I ought to be glad. I am not glad.

He's nudging me when I fail to flow after mealtime.

He's alerting me when I gain even half a pound.

He's pestering me to straighten my spine and stop slouching

Whenever he's around. He is always around.

He's starting conversations with me when I'm reading.

He's chiming in when I talk with my friends on the phone.

He's coming with me when I shop at the supermarket

So I won't have to shop alone. I like alone.

He's sitting beside me while I'm tweezing my eyebrows.

He's standing beside me while I'm blow-drying my hair.

He's sharing those moments when I am clipping my toenails.

You want my opinion? He's overdoing share.

He's keeping track of how I am spending each second.

He also keeps track of how much I spend on my clothes.

Before he retired I told him he must find a hobby.

How he's retired. And guess who's the hobby he chose?

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