2024. július 2., kedd

Judith Viorst: A Wedding Sonnet for the Next Generation

He might compare you to a summer's day,
Declaring you're far fairer in his eyes.
She might, with depth and breadth and many sighs,
Count all the ways she loves you, way by way.

He might say when you're old and full of sleep,
He'll cherish still the Pilgrim soul in you.
She might--oh, there are poems so fine, so true,
To help you speak of love and wows to keep.

Words help. And you are writing your own poem.
It doesn't always scan or always rhyme.
It mingles images of the sublime
With plainer words: Respect. Trust. Comfort. Home.

How very rich is love's vocabulary
When friends, dear friends, best friends decide to marry.

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