2024. október 10., csütörtök

Mario Benedetti: Summer

I'm calling it quits for today
that's it
I'm through working
blame it on the sky
compelling like a river
blame it on the air
avid and unchanging
thta's it
I'm through working
my fingers are limp
my head is miles away
my eyes are abeam
with dreams
don't ask me why
I'm tired of staring at walls
that's it
I'm through working
fussy walls always quibbling
pathetic bare walls with
just a calendar and a date
that's it
I'm through working
how slowly the pages turn
it's only mid-June.

I thought I was through for the day
but now the phone is ringing
yessir berightthere
certainly wheneveryoulike.

-- translated by Louise B. Popkin

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